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Twitter allowed it, but put a label on it that said, “This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about abusive behavior. There’s no bagging limit, no tagging limit, and it doesn’t expire until we save our country.”įacebook immediately banned it. Greitens says in the ad, “Join the MAGA crew. Sadly, it is not.Įric Greitens, a Republican running for Senate in Missouri, has a new ad where he and his team kick open a house’s door looking for “RINOs” - an abbreviated version of Republicans In Name Only. The ad is so stunningly inappropriate that, at first, you might think it’s a spoof. Sounds like the forgettable plot of some crummy action movie with a bunch of B-level actors you’d see on cable at 1 in the morning.īut what I’m describing here is a political ad - a political ad for a man running for the United States Senate. The man then rattles off a couple of more tired cliches.

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A team of camouflaged guys in tactical gear carrying assault weapons move alongside him.Īfter a few corny whispered words, they bust down the door and rush in looking for what they consider the bad guys. A man - a former Navy SEAL, in fact - creeps up to a door of a home with a rifle in his hands and a pistol in his belt.

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